Tuesday, 27 February 2007

politically correct for you're a *****er

Studying NLP or hypnosis it usually gives an extra dimension to the appreciation of language. NLPers become increasingly aware of embedded commands, hypnotic suggestions or unwitting implications that slip into their own and other people's language.

This is great. It allows for really precise communication, sometimes...

On the other hand since some NLPers can be relentlessly positive there can also be a shadow side to this. Intelligent, sensitive aware people who are still often human in some of the most petty ways. So just like the euphemisms used in Human Resources or the military, I have observed some interesting ways of hiding barbs in NLP based language.

Below are some examples of the correct NLP way to say something, and its translation into something more... sincere

Not all NLPers do this, and not allo f the time. But when they do you can usually tell by the slightly forced quality of the smile they put on while speaking.

'Your map is different from mine' = 'You're wrong!'

'You're map is really quite unusual' = 'You're mad'

'Our values do not align' = 'I don't like you'

'If what you're doing isn't working, try something different' = 'Please, please, please do something else!'

'I realise that you have a positive intention' = 'Do that one more time and I'll punch you'

'You cannot not communicate' = 'You are rude'

'The meaning of the behaviour is the response it elicits' = 'It's your fault'

'There's no failure, only feedback' = 'You screwed up.'

'I detect a lack of congruence' = 'I don't trust you.'

'You have a highly developed capacity for deletion' = 'Pay attention, stupid.'

If you catch soemone doing this challenge them with the translation 'You said xxxx, don't you mean yyyy.'

Done just right the effect is delicious. As the person squirms, and their smile becomes a little stiffer, casually add in

'Perhaps you didn't mean yyyy at all, it's just...the meaning of the communication is the response it elicits.'

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